Earning Withholding Order for Taxes/Fees (EWOT)

To determine the amount of disposable earnings, find the withholding amount on the chart below or use our withholding calculator.

If your pay periods are And your employee's disposable earnings are Withhold and send this amount


$0 - $217.50


$217.51 - $290.00

Amount above $217.50

$290.01 or more

25% of the disposable earnings

Every Two Weeks

$0 - $435.00


$435.01 - $580.00

Amount above $435.00

$580.01 or more

25% of the disposable earnings

Twice a Month

$0 - $471.25


$471.26 - $628.28

Amount above $471.25

$628.29 or more

25% of the disposable earnings


$0 - $942.50


$942.51 - $1,256.00

Amount above $942.50

$1,256.01 or more

25% of the disposable earnings

Note: Applicable interest, penalties, and fees will accrue on the tax/fee payer's account until the entire tax/fee balance is paid. As a result, we may issue another EWOT to collect any accrued tax/fee debt.