Laws, Regulations and Annotations


Business Taxes Law Guide—Revision 2024

Sales and Use Tax Annotations

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340.0000 Mailing Lists and Services—Regulation 1504

Annotation 340.0070

340.0070 Birthday Notices—Restaurant. A firm receives registration forms from a restaurant. It enters the data on a disk and sends it to a data processing service bureau which maintains a file of the customers. Each month the service bureau prepares a tape of customers who have birthdays during the month. The tape is sent to a laser printing firm which prints the name and addresses on cards. In some cases a message is added. The charge by the printing firm is the same whether or not a message is added.

The laser printing operation results in a sale by the firm to its customer when the printer prints the names, addresses and a message. Any printing beyond the name and address subjects the entire charge to tax including charges for maintaining the customer's file.

On the other hand, if only the name and address is printed, the transaction is nontaxable as a mailing service. The addition of a salutation (Dear———-) would not make the addressing taxable. 3/1/84.