9/25/2024 Taxes and Fees for the Wine Industry with A.B.C.

Get more than a taste of taxable and non-taxable sales, the alcoholic beverage tax, and other required licenses and permits as they apply to wine makers and sellers. Your selection of topics includes taxability of wine tastings, ingredients, oak barrels, and labels and packaging. We go straight to the vineyard to discuss taxes related to fertilizer, insecticides, seeds, plants, and farming exemptions. THEN, receive additional instruction from the Calif. Dept. of Alcoholic Beverage Control. Questions welcome. Cheers! This webinar, conducted through Microsoft Teams, should be viewed via a pc or laptop, NOT a phone or mobile device. After registering, you will be emailed a link to the Microsoft Teams webinar the day before the class.

TimeDescriptionLocationReservationsAvailableSelect Session
2:00 PM PDTTaxes and Fees for the Wine Industry with A.B.C.Online23200

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Hosted by Riverside Office LC